Wednesday, August 24, 2011


My 68th birthday was celebrated with a few friends at JB's by the beach. Joe, Karen, David, Jacqui, O.F., Trish, and Jason was behind the shutter. The food was delectable but I fell down on the job for the entrees and so have only dessert pictures to show for it. Three of us shared a couple of nice bottles of red wine-the others enjoyed their cocktails.

Jacqui's Key Lime pie, above. Trish's fresh berries below.

Jason's hot apple tart ala mode below. David and I had Coconut banana cream pie. Mine came with a candle. It was a real treat. Very congenial people and exellent grub. A very nice celebration engineered and carried through by Jason.

After the events of my 67th year it is clear that each day is a gift to be celebrated birthday or not.
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