Thursday, August 25, 2011

Good Night Irene!

Hurricane Irene brushed by-pretty strong winds and torrential rain on and off today. We had some tree limbs to step over on our evening walk. The morning walk was a little late because I had to go to LabCorp to get three pages of tests. We did not get too far before a drizzle started, and it became rain before we made it home. The dogs are fluffy tonight- me not so much. Scratchy throat tonight but I am betting on allergy origins.

Being a rainy day it was perfect to clean house except the floors didn't last very long. But the rest got done and is holdng a little better. The cleaning ladies down here tend to favor Fabuloso cleaner. Now that scent signifies clean house much like Pine-Sol used to.

Eve sent me a picture of Audrey who got French Braids, gratis, while Eve got her hair cut. She seems to be trying to admire them. I have to keep in mind she is only 6. I seem to recollect turning my head real fast trying to see my ears.

Facebook, Verizon wireless and email brought me greetings far and wide for my natal day. It is very nice. Rich called tonight. He has lost 42 pounds! Val has lost several. Protein diet that is going around. Rich just did mostly Atkins diet which has worked for him before.

Lori's mum survived her surgery for a knee replacement and is on the mend. It doesn't sound like the Pampa hospital is too shiny a place. Nothing like the Good Samaritan in Kearney-even stacked up against Boca Community, Good Samaritan shines. I've been inside a few of those places this year. That is over. Lori will be good medicine for her mom-she already has visiting shifts organized.
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