Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tarting Up the Fair Elante

The fair Elante shines like a mirror. Bankey ran into a little trouble so he called Melvin Philpott who taught Bankey the detailing ropes. I am impressed with the social networking. Here comes Melvin with his van filled with his equipment and proceeds to pitch right in. They finished up save for a few details. Bankey will be back Saturday. Bankey's girlfriend brought him lunch from Subway-good looking woman, two adorable little girls all "groomed to the nines" and a nice "ride." Maya, age 2.5, is Bankey's. His oldest child is 27 and being a career service person at Fort Benning. Latte got off work at the Fire Station and dropped by for a visit. He enjoyed one Corona and split for home and A.C. Emptied my icemaker keeping Bankey and Melvin hydrated.

Bankey told me tell Jason "Hi," and "this job was no BMW!" He says he misses the BMW though black cars are not the easiest to detail.

I have been washing stuff from the RV and had my regular laundry to do last night. Four loads and Jason emailed for the model number on the dryer! Fortunately I still have the box. We were told to save it. Perhaps not this long but the information was on the box. The canopy makes a huge difference in temperature in the camper. I can get some stuff done in there.
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