Monday, August 29, 2011

Dribs and Drabs

Jason has been sweating his hiney off on his properties. The Pompano place is pictured-it just gave up its tenants and is going to be rented or sold-whichever comes first. It is a fabulous property. Marble floors, jacuzzi, cedar lined walk-in closets-three bedrooms, three baths, lots of space-two car (at least) carpeted garage. I had not seen it. It overlooks the Intracoastal waterway.

Juneau knows what pools are for and takes a dip whenever. He then got his feet dirty. Jason told him to wash his feet before getting into the car-he did! He is scary smart. Don't try to fool him by spelling-w-a-l-k or anything else he has an interest in.

I was overdosing on my Coumadin. I have two prescriptions on file at Walgreen's and filled the 5mg instead of the 3 mg. Dr. Cohn called me from Orlando where he was attending medical meetings (at 7:00 a.m.!) and told me I was at 6.5 on my Protime. That is about 3 times too high. Today, after a vacation from the stuff, it is ideal-2.2.

The bad news: Heart medicine Spironalactone evidently sequesters estrogen. Consequently my breasts are enlarged and sensitive.
The good news: They are perky.

Leaping Lizards: I have lizards of all sizes-the one who sings is one who is missing a chunk of tail. Other lizards are getting same: doggie fashion with a twist. Some of them seem amenable to interspecies discourse. They seem to bask in my gentle vocalizations but scoot at any attempt at physical contact. One tiny guy likes to sit on his chair and watch me sitting in mine. Any sudden move prompts a mighty leap into the nearest plant which happens to be the only plastic one on the patio. The big green lizards tend to poop on my pavers-not appreciated. They are so dinosaur-like that I wonder at the leaping ability of dinosaurs. They would be formidable. They are also fast. Buddy is very quick but I know of no catches.

I put nice red mulch on my wall garden- 14 bags and I could use another two or three. It looks very nice though.

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