Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Walking in the Rain

This morning it was overcast and we left the house at 7 sharp and had a good walk. That is good because about 2:00 the heavens opened up with a good squall. I was napping when it started. We walked in the drizzle tonight but not very far. I had a good workout in the morning and took a trip to Target. Got to the checkout and discovered the debit card was not on my person. The clerk was ever so nice and she checked me out while I retrieved the card. After the gym, I  had stopped at Jerry's Artarama where I had left Nicole's gift of a watercolor to be framed. They did a nice job:

It hangs in the "solarium," "Florida room," or whatever you call it. A nice space with morning sun anyway. The photos don't really do it justice.

After clearing much of the garage yesterday I "created a space." From my walks I had noticed many people use their garages as a second or third patio. There is wisdom in this in that with the east-west layouts of the neighborhood. You tend to bake on one side in the morning and the other side in the evening. I had a doggie enclosure that I put across the open space so we can sit by the side of road and watch the occasional passerby. The space is evolving. It was enjoyable to watch the deluge from a dry spot.  I still need a garage space so it will not evolve too much. Fortunately after experimenting with placement, my "MyFi"- Verizon wifi device reaches the RV, the garage. the living room, and the office. The Fuji camera has an "Eyefi"card in it. These pictures were transmitted from the camera to my computer wirelessly. They just show up. Way cool.
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