Monday, August 15, 2011

Bad Boy, Bad Boy, Whatcha Gonna Do?

The days have mostly had a quiet rhythm to them until today. I was in my study and I heard a sound that was like a book hitting the floor. I could see nothing on the floor. Then I heard a helicopter-it was circling so I stepped out the front door and watched as it circled my neighborhood and moved westward. Then I noticed a police car at Jordan's house-just sitting. Then several cars arrived, then a detective, then a Broward Sheriff Supervisor. We gave them the little information we had about our new neighbor: name is Jordan and he is a firefighter. They told us to stay inside-that meant my garage to me. The neighbors had been alert; a guy at 518, up the street thought these guys looked suspicious so a patrol car was already in the neighborhood. Jordan's back neighbors saw them breaking and entering his house and called 911. There were three of them-two ran and one was hiding in the back yard. They caught all three and hope it ends a rash of five similar burglaries. The miscreants had stashed their bicycles in front of my northern neighbors. Yes, they were black. That didn't even come up-what did come up is we all hope they are charged as adults.

Needless to say, we all reviewed our security measures- I found out who had guns, beside me, and we resolved to trade information-work numbers, etc. Neighborhood Watch without the meetings. Jordan joined the "Porch Light Club" tonight. Several of us, including the SWAT officer on the corner keep our places well lighted up. I turn on the porch light at Jason's next door property nightly. Those CFL lights use so little energy and cast a lot of light. Cheap insurance.
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