Saturday, August 20, 2011

Standing Tall

Jason and his nephew Casey made the trip from Pampa to Deerfield in record time. Casey said the Beamer just goes 90 all by itself-you don't even know it is that fast
Juneau enjoys his Florida pool. His Texas pool has a water slide and lots of nieces and nephews to play with him. He lost 6 pounds this summer.

Standing tall-Casey at 17 years is on top. I am shrinking but gravity has had its way with me for 67 years. It takes it's toll. Makes your stomach big too-that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Of course the men will stretch when the cameras come out. Casey is a delight and he is enjoying his Florida vacation before school starting. Jason enjoys being an uncle. He and Lori are really good to those kids. Lori is still in White Deer. Her mum goes for a knee replacement Monday in Amarillo. She will assist her for a few weeks, then fly home. I really miss her. The doggie reunion was both funny and touching. Honey kept kissing Juneau. Buddy went nuts. They were really glad to see each other.

Jason invited Trish over to eat some of her Alaska caught salmon last evening. Trish brought wine and NY style strawberry cheesecake. I made salad, veggie and got some good bread. It was very enjoyable. Trish brought her cameras and we downloaded the pix and watched them. Whether unwitting or not she took some movies that are hilarious.
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