Monday, August 8, 2011

The Inseparables

Whether two or three of us, we are a pack. Honey has grown so much in socialization. She grabs a spot on the couch and asks to be petted. The Budster was a snuggler from day one. It has taken Honey a few years but she seems pretty happy being a loving dog. Make no mistake, she is still all guard dog if a strange person or critter is involved. Bankey calls her Cujo.

The neighbors across the street live in this middle/working class neighborhood but have some spectacular toys. Trish drives a Caddy and they have another fishing boat-big enough to take to Bimini. The airboat is a five seater and there are four of them so my chances of riding in it are slim and none. But it is a fascinating piece of machinery.

Today brought a bit of break in the heat. It was overcast all day and light rain on and off. I cut up boxes for the trash tomorrow and cleaned the garage. Cleaned the house yesterday-quite a lot in the morning and dribs and drabs in the afternoon. Yesterday we had some strong winds-We almost had lift-off on the RV canopy. I did some re-engineering this morning and I think it will survive anything but a major hurricane. I am counting on the RV, well protected, to be my after storm survival shelter. It has a 7500 watt generator. I'm going to fire it up for a test run one day soon. The hurricane scare we had amounted to just that- a scare. They say to bring in anything thast could become a projectile. I was talking to Bankey aout this and looking at the stuff on my patio-he said, "You better lay in a supply of duct tape." Gave myself my quarterly haircut and beard trim today. Life is good.
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