Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nightmares on Lane Tullis Road

Busy days- I am off to Cardio-Rehab in an hour. I had my appointment with an ElectroPhysiologist yesterday evening-my defibrillator was adjusted- not for the better in my book. The atrial fibrillation returned January 1 at 1:43 p.m. whilst I was eatinng black-eyed peas at Cracker Barrel-so precise is the data it keeps..  That was disappointing news but they will try to shock me again after my coumadin gets regulated. We are having a hard time with that.

Three days ago Jason was replacing the batteries in his boat when I smelled diesel fuel. I thought it was from his boat but we discovered a slick floating down the canal and reported it. That brought a fire engine company out to inspect. One of the firemen grew up on this street and knows the story of this house.

Two days ago I went looking for the Droid to record my weight and that took me to the Van. The inside of the van had some mess. Then the phone rang. A Broward sheriff's officer had found my business card in a recovered camera case in Pioneer Park. Vandals/thieves made their way down this street in the night creating mayhem. I lost some cameras from a suitcase I was carrying them in. Others lost various things. One man's wheel was loosened and came off in traffic and bashed a Toyota and a Mercedes Benz.  My Droid and several other items were recovered by the police. The officer kept saying "You're not in Wyoming anymore." That became the mantra for the week. CSI Ft. Lauderdale came by as did a detective but lots of my stuff is being mourned as lost forever.

Brother Rich went to San Antonio for a wedding and had a ball in warmer weather. Ethnically mixed families and foods, Lebanese, Hispanic and plain old American mutt. They went out the wrong door of a bar/restaurant  and got lost-they couldn't find their rental car.