Saturday, January 29, 2011

Real Life

Honey and Buddy went in the canal Thursday afternoon chasing the possum. Honey cut her foot and was bleeding profusely. Off we went to the Pet Vet in the BMW! I offered to take my van.  Honey had surgery and has to wear a cone for a few days.All the blood was scrubbed from the driveway and only a little got on the car-washed up fine. The protective seat cover was a different story but it washed nicely. I love about my son, that the dog was important and the car was way down the list. Honey is not a happy camper but she was out scouting for the possum this morning. Can't keep a good hunter down.

I am anxious to get her in her own backyard because now that she has been in the canal she may go again. The handover of the new house looks to be on schedule for February 8.  We have been looking at furniture. We found the most comfortable recliner but I couldn't get out of it. The mechanism is faulty. (true story-I am not making excuses)  The 5'2" salesperson demonstrated it could be done but it was a struggle for anybody bigger. Lori and I found an electric one yesterday- equal comfort, no stress.

Went shopping with Lori: Tarjay (Target)  then we went to lunch at the Baja Cafe. We had fun though we were a bit rushed by my schedule.

The six chairs I bought from Habitat for Humanity had to come home-they needed the space. I got them in the van. Jason scanned a tag with his iPhone and they retail at $189.00 per copy. These came from an FDIC auction and are a sturdy HON brand. I figure at $15.00 each, even if they end up patio furniture they are good value.

I made it to Cardio Rehab Friday and had a good workout. My Nu-Step work level was at 3 and I walked a mile and quarter at 2.7 m.p.h. on the treadmill.  It is mind numbingly boring. One of the attendants caught me making faces at Bert yesterday. My coumadin is in the therapeutic range. After some time they will try another cardioversion (shock the s--t out of me) of my A-Fib but in the meantime I am feeling well and progressing. I do get tired sometimes but I listen to my body and go get horizontal when that happens.