Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Old Tuna Breath

Sunday we motored out to Vista BMW so Thayne could look at Mini Coopers. We we not treated well at all at this snobby dealership. I gave them a piece of my mind. Told them either one of us could write a check for  their damn minis but they wouldn't see a nickel. We were received with reverence at the Pet Deli which is in a huge "flea market." Jason had phoned in an order for Juneau. The flea market is not open open air-it is more like a mall and we couldn't find a place to park in the 40 or so acres that surround it. There was a steady stream of cars. I finally had Thayne cruise the mall while I went in to pick up organic entrails to feed the Juneau.

Sunday night the dogs were alerting so out they went into the sideyard. They werre insistent something was in the bouganvillea bush. After much searching and gingerly parting thorned branches Thayne found a young possum. We already had on hand neighbor Billy's Haveaheart trap that we were going to use on a gimpy raccoon. So Jason opened a can of tuna  for bait after we figured out how how to operate the rusty trap. In the house  the dogs went, and we watched TV while we waited. All of a sudden Jason said to Buddy-"You smell like tuna!" So we checked the trap. Buddy had cleaned up the bait and waltzed out of the trap unscathed. It had not even triggered. There is usually a good-natured contest to see who Buddy will bed down with. Nobody wanted to win but Lori did.

Having a houseguest often reveals a side you did not know. Thayne loves to shop-not buy necessarily, though he did buy some new tennis shoes- he bought his last pair when he was a Junior in high school and is now 42. He has asked and gone on shopping forays with Lori. He has a great time. Lori is fun and every transaction turns into a friendship, though. She is constantly trying to "fix him up."