Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Party's Over

Last night Jason took us to Marcello's for dinner: Jason, Lori, Thayne, and Denise-a "blind date" for Thayne's bon voyage. A pricey place but with delicious food and punctilious service. Lori asked our heavily accented waiter how to say something in Italian. He said "You'll have to ask one of the Italians- I am from Argentina." We got a big laugh out of that. I would say the blind date was not a match but it was fun and we got to know somebody new.

Today Thayne will board Southwest Air for a trip back to Wyoming. He is routed through Baltimore so he may have an adventure or two with the weather before he makes it home. We had an adventure with weather last night after a balmy evening. One hour we were standing in the cul de sac visiting with neighbors and watching Buddy leading the big dogs on a merry chase, the next hour it was blowing seriously and the lights wrere flickering- a deluge followed.. The pool is a mess this morning.

I need to start making noise: Jason wanted to be up by 8:00 a.m. in order to get everything done before we go to Palm Beach International  Airport. I'll start by uncovering the birds.