Sunday, January 30, 2011

Visiting John Prince Park

I was invited to lunch at the Maison Latour on Saturday and it was very nice. We did some walking to admire the new facilities: pavillion and laundromat, landscaping and paving. We saw Andre and Nicole briefly as they had a family event to attend. Saw some other old faces and enjoyed the feeling of being in camp. I headed home about 4:30 because I wanted to go to Harbor Freight to buy a big magnet. Jason's fillet knife went in the canal and I think it can be fished with a magnet.

Honey is having a hard time. She is absolutely resistive to all meds. I ended up shoving them down her throat. She ended up barfing two days worth of semi-digested food on the only piece of carpet in the whole house. Jason ended up hosing off the rug and  mopping floors last night. The possum is still around and Honey and Buddy go ballistic if they catch a whiff.

We have all been furiously playing "Word"- I had to quit this morning because Lori was whipping me and I needed a rest. I wasn't mad but I was frustrated.  If you don't get the letters, it is hard to score. She plays for blood-I like that.