Sunday, September 19, 2010

Big Day

The day started with some Sandhill Cranes venturing up into the top 40, close enough for some decent photos. I was pleased with that. The birthday party for Tye Eric and McAye was scheduled for 1:00. When I start smelling better the dogs stay between me and the van. I ended up taking them and compromising on the length of my stay. Tye was waiting for me bless his heart. Daryne said Tye said he was going to come get me on the 4-wheeler last night. Tye turned 8, McAye turned 6. A big family brings in family and neighbors and all kinds of good things to eat. I see some of them year to year at these events and others at sundry events. Janet called-they are swamped and they couldn't come but she wanted me to know she found one of the gag gifts from our/her party in the couch. She also told me she was cooking supper with a miner's light on her head yesterday after the lights went out. Too funny.
The above is a self-explanatory birthday picture. Tye is delighted. McAye is a little doll. She was into Hannah Montana this year. Tiny for six and smart as a whip. I didn't recognize the older girls at first. They put their foot down and are styling on their own now. Beautiful girls. I visited with them: In Fremont County Justin Bieber is lame. Lady Gaga is just weird. The meat dress didn't go over with the cattle raising crowd. They are Facebook fans and their parents have access. Sports are cool. Camey decided she would play volleyball this year instead of football. Macey is driving-taking them all to school and is a volleyball referee. They talked teachers and I only recognized one name. Apparently coach Weber is still relying almost entirely on the movie projector for Middle School Social Studies.
Uncle Steven's platter. There is a little competition among the ladies and the food is always very good.
Grandpa Stanley started quoting Rush Limbaugh. I suddenly remembered the dogs were in the car. Had to go. The hermitage was beckoning.
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