Thursday, September 9, 2010

Secret Pleasure

For years I have been reading various on-line newspapers: Salt Lake Tribune, Seattle P.I., Palm Beach Post, The Guardian. Independent, Casper Star-Tribune, Florida Sun-Sentinel, Denver Post, Palm Beach Post, Huffington Post, Village Voice, Toledo Blade, Washington Post, and The New York Times. As a registered user, one is given leave to comment on the content. They make it too easy. One paper keeps track of the posts and I was stunned to see I had commented 293 times. It is probably healthy. I remember my father yelling at the Television or going off on rants. I am getting my two cents out there. Sometimes people respond. Mostly people just talk past each other these days. It  is fun to do. Creates the illusion that your ideas count.

We are getting a little color in the bushes, crisp mornings. and some nice warm days. The middle of the day is usually very pleasant.  The Sandhill Cranes are practicing flying. The harvested fields are very attractive to them. Everything is exposed from seeds to grasshoppers to rodents. The second cutting of hay seems short this year. People are scratching their heads. The sweet corn I am given is top-notch.

I sat in the dark today. There was a cold brisk wind from the west outside making sitting out bearable for short stints. The power went out. I think it was something down at the bridge repair that did it. High Plains went there after quite awhile and nowhere else and soon power came back.

Took a blood sugar reading tonight because I thought it might be low. It was alarmingly high! Six times a day monitoring and curbing the intake starts tomorrow. I thought I was doing great. Things creep up on you when you don't watch.