Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The First "Senior Moment."

The doggies kept sniffing at my left pantleg. I wondered if I had spilled something on them. Then the "bell rang" and I hiked my pantleg. Unbeknownst to me, an ugly leg ulcer had developed due to the edema. It is right on the upper shin where I always have a bang or a scrape so I never gave it a thought or a glance. Having glanced, it is being treated at home and I can see if it improves or gets worse. Good thing the doggies were looking out for me-or calculating how long they had to wait for the real feast. We took a run to Wal Mart this evening for compression stockings and presents.

Things have been much more cordial between this house and Feglers this year. I got an invitation for the party for the two little ones and since I missed the older girl's birthdays I got something for them too. Ember, their cousin is getting married so I got something for her. That is going to be some expensive damn birthday cake but I like those kids. I'll see some folks I only see once or twice a year. It will be a fun afternoon... Sunday...if that is the 19th...and there you have the most recent "Senior Moment."
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