Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Spoonful of Sugar Makes the Medicine Go Down

A costly trip to the Lander Courthouse but all the cars are registered for another year and the property taxes are paid. Gulp. But I had something pleasant to look forward to: Dinner with Mike and Diana, an autographed copy of her latest book and a good visit. We went to the Little Wind Casino. I went early to put the fix in on who was buying dinner. The older lady at the register was doing it all. Indian payday and some help didn't show. She was melting down. I had a little time on my hands and ample experience so I bussed the tables for her. Helped her get caught up. The place was busy with the hamburger and squealing kids crowd. I employed the old  "educators stink-eye" on a few kids.  We three were in the mood for visiting so the long wait for our food didn't matter and the food was terrific. Delish. Always some good laughs about life and past adventures. Diana's book is getting recognized all over the place. they are going to Billings for an honor soon. She has been nominated for a "Willa" (Willa Cather) by the Western Women Writers group. Mikey is getting amped up for retirement- everybody always wonders how that is going to go. Their son Nick has found a nice soulmate (girl)  and is doing very well at work in Denver. I know many of their family members and we have a lot of history together so we had a good old gab. Made me smile-even after paying my taxes.

Less thrilled were the doggies. Though I bought them hamburgers in Lander and fed them at the Casino, it was a long time in the car. Didn't let them out because of Honey's leg. It took some deck sitting and dinner to bring them around.  Buddy has quickly adapted to regular mealtimes. I have to "catch" Honey on her way out of the van. It works but she doesn't get the "why " of it.