Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Not today, or tomorrow

The bridge was supposed to open today. Some traffic headed that way but soon came back. Some highway department people were in front of my drive, so I quizzed them. NEXT Tuesday, tentatively, will see the temporary bridge open. They were siting a sign that will say "Road Work Ahead."  Folks will have to slow down and take it easy on the bridge (music to my ears). One said "There will be accidents." I believe he is right. Hope it is not me.

With that bit of intelligence, I saddled up and headed to town the long way. Pretty straightforward in and out. I have a supplier of goat's milk next door. Thayne made that connection for me. I am pleased. Cow's milk does not do it for me. Goat's milk does. I have used powdered skim milk to cook with but this will do fine. I was encouraged and bought the ingredients for Greenbrier French Toast. (I had milk!)  It is more a bit of knowledge that Delores picked up at the Greenbrier this summer. It really is very nice. Two dogs and one man rated it one thumb up (What did you expect? Dogs don't have thumbs). They were looking for more and I was generous with them. I took that as "yummy!" Anyway, the secret is to mash up some sugar frosted flakes (we use generic) into crumbles-not too fine. Dip your bread in the egg batter, then in the cereal crumbs, and cook in a little hotter pan than usual. Sweet, and caramelly, and crunchy. Muy bueno!

My legs have been getting a little heavier every day. I was determined to stay in bed until 8:00 this morning. Buddy got bored and ate through a strap on his harness. That was on the shopping list too. I got a collar to try. I kind of like harnesses on the littler dogs because I use can use them like a handle in a pinch. We'll try the collar. Honey got hurt/scared today. I didn't see but I heard and she was all for spending the day indoors. I checked her over and settled her. I think she made contact with the electric fence somehow. Back to the edema: I ran out of the new and improved  time release potassium tablets so I reverted to my old ones. Like turning on a faucet-an old leaky faucet.

I read a short article in the Casper Star-Tribune on John C. Hunton-a Civil War vet and early Wyoming pioneer. He was a diarist like my great great grandfather John Montgomery R., and like me, I suppose. There is a website. It was very interesting. I found the last volume of his diary on Alibris for $20.00. I decided to give it a whirl. There are six volumes. The other 5 are a leetle more expensive-$275.00 for the set. If I really, really, really, like volume 6, I may pop for the others and eventually donate them to UW.