Thursday, September 2, 2010

Downright chilly in the mornings

We should get an uptick in the weather starting tomorrow. It has been chilly in the mornings-coffee klatch time is over when the coffee gets cold. Buddy goes out to play then goes back to bed before the warm spot disappears. He is going to like Florida. His coat is kind of coarse and not the warmest. He enjoys a lap-sit when it is cold. Honey is furring up. She loves the cool.  Poor Buddy got a tingle from the collar-deserved, and his first lesson on leash walking today. The girl showed him how it is done and the leash work went fine but he was a little subdued today. Not entirely bad. He is definitely testing the limits.

About a week ago the download for the Droid phone came. The new Froyo 2.2 system is much faster and so the battery life is much better-not that it was bad. I was getting a couple of days before discharge before. Three seems to be the new average. Excellent for a smartphone.

Sooz's mission to help Jackie with her knee surgery recovery was put on hold by the doctor who told Jackie to wait until it got really bad. Sooz was willing to come up to help with Van logistics but that should all resolve itself in a few days with the bridge repair. Sweet of her to offer. Sooz will head back to Washington.

SMS'd on Facebook with Greg and Lou. Since returning to upstate N.Y. they have been having a fine time: fishing, a family wedding, a barbecue at their farm. Greg is taking good pictures. They definitely got year-round living in Florida out of their system this year. The Palm Beach Post says last winter was the coldest in many years and this summer has been the hottest in 12 years. I am trying not to take this personally.

Humana is gaming me again. The Benazapril BP med used to come in a little triangular pill with an orange wax coating. The new ones are bigger, white and not coated-very nasty tasting pills no matter how quick you are. We seniors are supposed to be grateful for what we get, I guess- or buy upscale. I am going to ask to see what WalMart has to offer.

Skyped with Matt last evening. It is about as I imagined in Oregon. He is bearing up. Bless his heart. Jason Facebooked with a picture of the dive boat in St. Lucia. The weather looked fine. Earl is scaring the bejabbers out of the east coast and is long gone from the Caribbean. They will be home Friday I believe. Me too.