Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The day started perky enough. Vacuumed parts of the Van then took a quick trip to town for essentials. Stopped at 789 Casino and got my free lunch-a tasty bit of sweet and sour chicken, fried rice (kinda blah) and a green salad. Off to Wal-Mart while it was still cool and got my groceries. I was on my way out of town and thought about Honey still hobbling so we went to the vet. The new Dr. there didn't want to see her last time and gave me pain meds. She said if it is still going on we had better take a look.  All three vets said this is not good. So the girl was sedated, barfed, as they will do, palpated, and knocked out for X-rays. No bone issues but likely a torn knee ligament  which may be worse. She left groggy, wrapped, with a plastic brace immobilizing her leg. TWO MORE weeks of confinement and four meds to dispense daily. One of them sedates so that should help. But life is going on hold again. I did ask for scissors while Honey was out to cut some mats she had. Taeha trimmed them out for me. Honey will let me do it but it turns into a game so I have to work fast. This was an opportunity. Buddy just knocks them all out- Mr. Personality.

With the anaesthetic and the brace, it was tough going at home. Might have been funny if it weren't so pathetic. She would want to turn left and turn right, and get herself stuck. Getting a 90 pounder turned around is not easy. Tomorrow, we'll see how she is managing and I will form some alternative agendas.