Saturday, September 18, 2010


  1. Got my feet in some new shoes I have had for awhile-they are skinny enough now. The sores are getting better. The socks get a little painful toward the evening but not too bad. Ten pounds of mud in a five pound sack.
  2. The remote control for the digital tuner turned up-underneath a Russian Olive tree where the scamp collects his treasures. The grass is drying out so it became visible when I was taking the finch feeder away from him. The remote still works.
  3. Honey picked up a sprain yesterday. I've been keeping her as contained as I can, slipping her an ibuprofen in the mornings. That seems to calm her a little. She limps until her alarm goes off then she is full steam ahead.
  4. The electrical power went all crazy. I was just about to get in the attic to change fuses when I called High Plains Power. They said they were having trouble-either dim lights or no power west of Riverton. My juice was acting like one leg was out. No cooking so we went to town. I called before we left town and they said the power would be on by 8:00 p.m. I scurried home to take advantage of the remaining daylight to get the lanterns lit, etc. Had just finished that task when the juice came back. The outage fried some of those fluorescent bulbs. It was kind of fun to go into emergency mode. Stuff is still ready. We shall survive.
  5. Skyped with Nicole and Andre. They were in Sandwich on Cape Cod. Going to Nantucket on the ferry tomorrow. They really enjoyed Boston. They took the train, subway, and a trolley to see the sights in downtown.
  6. It was barely above freezing this morning. Of course I was out in the dark because I went to bed early. Woke up at 5 and went back to sleep. Woke up at 6 and knew sleepy time was over.