Monday, September 13, 2010

Not Yet on My iPod

Productive day as the fall days and my energy level are agreeable. I finished up with the log oiling project and had enough left over to attack some other wood items. I have kept up with this pretty well and the logs are in pretty good shape. Irritated more than a few spiders which is fine because they are plentiful. They do good work but enough is enough. I did engineer a solution for the Swamp Cooler that will make putting it in a matter of lifting it a couple of inches and sliding it in the casement next year. It blocks a lot of the view from the north window but it does that when it is installed. No big whoop. I can see fine in Florida.

I think the bridge will open tomorrow. They are moving the cranes out. I will be glad. I have been putting off another long trip in hope that it would open. Dog food is to the nubbins. The spoiled brats usually get their cooked meal at night. They were hinting for breakfast and hoping for French toast. They got scrambled eggs and were less than enthusiastic. I may have a sibling rivalry problem on my hands. Buddy led Honey down the highway again tonight but I was quicker on the uptake and called them back. Buddy was being a little stinker. He was growling and nipping at Honey to prevent her from running right home. He is first on the bed and takes prime real estate. Honey came up last night and I shifted to be close to her and pet her for a change. It perked her up but I was dang near deformed from sleeping in that position. Honey is very sweet to him but I am starting to root for her to lay down the law.

Big mail day. My $5.00 shirts arrived and my Hunton Diary. The diary is very interesting but I think the one volume will suffice to capture the flavor. Hunton had rancher interests and was part of that faction in the Johnson County War though he declined emphatically to participate in the war itself. His machinations to get relatives to be proxy for claims and the financing are in the diary. There have been land grabs in this state its entire history. "The meek shall inherit the earth?" I don't think so.
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