Monday, December 6, 2010

About to Launch

Busy day. As Thayne and I chatted on the way to the hospital on the 8th he was interested in a Sun break. We talked and I bought him a ticket to come visit in Florida- a thank you gift. Delores printed it out for me. Southwest is featuring some bodacious prices. The Florida trip will fall in the middle of the Denver Stock Show so he will use that to bookend his Florida jaunt. He works hard so I hope he has a great time. His plane lands at Palm Beach International which is about 20 minutes from John Prince Park so I'll snag him there.

I touched bases with Blue Cross and Humana to make sure my automatic payments are flowing and I have continuous coverage.  I've been using my Humana card at Wal-Mart while my meds are still in flux. I had my final appointment with Dr. Hedgecock for awhile. She gave me her email address! That is a good thing. We are dropping the Norvasc. If I start to puff up I can use my Lasix and Hydrochlorothiazide to get the ball rolling. Gotta keep after the potassium, though.

Went to the bank to load up an account. I'm on a budget this year. The banks are making it hand over fist but they aren't sharing the wealth in the form of interest. The heart attack is almost a relief. I am not worrying nearly as much about outliving my money. Still, I wish the Dodoes had been paying attention. I don't deserve this. None of us do.

The packing was going so well-then I noticed I couldn't see out. Some adjustments will be necessary. Some stuff is temporarily placed until I get the Oxygen concentrator located as a passenger. 

The water is shut off. Have a bucketful to final flush. Still a lot of last minute stuff to do tomorrow but I am sure we will get launched.