Thursday, December 30, 2010

Twenty-one Days

Twenty one days have passed since I last smoked a cigarette. All chemical traces are supposed have left my body. I have had a fairly easy time of it but the cravings have been strong the past two days. I am glad to be among encouraging people. I am walking between a half mile and a mile a day on dog walks. My blood pressure is within normal limits, oxygen level is good.  Dr. Cohn calls and we talk about test results and my vital signs. The primary problem of the past two weeks has been wound care. The implantation left a record-setting hematoma and a huge lump. Both are gradually receding but they have been no picnic.

Life is returning to normal. Eve left for Oregon yesterday and her stepsister Vickie and daughter Angela also left-for Oakland. Only one hanger-on: the O.F. The kids could not be more welcoming, helpful and caring. After dropping Eve for her flight we went to the John Prince Park for a meet and greet and to see the improvements. That was fun but I am not ready to set up camp yet.