Friday, December 10, 2010

Turner's 1916 Model T Wrecker

One of 300 manufactured, Grandpa Turner is proud of this Model T baby. They have an ice cream maker they attach for parades. He also has a 1921 Chevy wrecker -one of three surviving machines. The Model T has a hemp rope and will lift 1000 pounds. Yup, I'm still in Kearney. After a bad night last night, I found the wonder of calories and was energized by a bowl of soup. I can finish in the daylight tomorrow. The hard parts are done. After you take three years to trick your vehicle out with a refrigerator, generator, Storage batteries, Satellite radio, and cell phone extenders for Wyoming, it takes some time to untrick it. Unfortunately bad weather is moving in. I may stay longer yet. Setting out with a new vehicle on uncertain roads seems to be tempting fate to me and fate has not been my best friend lately. The Best Western in Kearney is a congenial place to be in wild weather. We'll see.

A coterie of lefties? Being left handed, I notice other lefties. The Nebraska HP that took my accident report was a lefty. The wrecker driver from L&S, Elm Creek, NE, was a lefty. The Turner Grandson in charge is a lefty. The motel clerk is a lefty. All fine people, exceptionally kind and intelligent.
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