Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Posies in the Winter

Camera phones are all we have at the hospital. A beautiful bouquet came from " the neighbors up the road," Guy and Janet. I love the deep reds. As we will be here a day or two more I should be able to extract the aroma and beauty before we have to cram everything into a Learjet. Jason has some real organizational skills. He also has a wicked sense of humor luring me the lobby art show when I was taking my oxygen tank for a walk.
There are beautiful red berries in the bouquet.
Tonight I got a lesson in how to inject myself with blood thinners in the stomach. I did well. I'll leave the hospital on that medicine and go back on Coumadin in Florida. This stuff is shorter acting so I have to shoot myself  twice a day, two shots each time. I am getting some decent blood pressure readings, good O2 readings, and blood sugar readings. BUT I AM STARVING.

Bob and Doris brought the Van Driver to Kearney. The driver left this morning and was heading due south to avoid storms-smart guy Lincoln is paralyzed by ice.We got another little visit. Enjoyed the warmth.  We will have to wait on taking a meal together.
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