Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pampered Pups

Joys of the midwest: Jason tipped generously because the dogs got 4 hours of grooming and getting good and dry before he picked them up. The bill was not very much compared to Florida. He later took the man who has been walking the dogs to dinner. Interesting story there. Somebody done somebody wrong, wrong, and wrong some more. We are talking Dr. Phil territory here.

My big news was the catheter went away. Kate, my day nurse today, deflated the balloon holding it in place internally, told me to take a deep breath and launched herself toward the wall with one hand on the catheter. The "deep breath" doesn't do much for the pain but you can't scream and take a deep breath at the same time. It is less upsetting on the staff. There was some suspense for a couple of hours but we are now going with the flow.

Dr. Bibbler, the surgeon was in to see me. My "procedure" is the one I need and the device I need is the second stage device-but I can't have it until Friday. So we are stuck here a little longer than we thought. The new van will head to Florida tomorrow in the hands of a flight attendant or a car thief -to be determined.

Dr. Kutty dropped by to discuss the situation with me while I was in the very nice bathroom attempting to have my first post heart-failure poop. I was nicely equipped with oxygen, a current newspaper and lots of time. I have never had a physician make a potty call before. Before long I felt I could tell him anything.
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