Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pecking Away

The annual trek to the post office for premium mail forwarding took place yesterday. Diane ("21 months until I retire") is the only one who knows how to do it.  We had our annual visit as well. I went to the Super Wal-Mart for my cardio: two times around the perimeter pushing a cart at a pretty good clip. Paused to admire the new Televisions and look at Christmas lights. I had ooomph left but it was bitter cold and I didn't want to leave the pups too long.

Had email from the PNW with advice and cautions. Nicole and Andre Skyped from Florida. Nicole was wiping her brow, I was in three layers.

Today was Cardio-Rehab at the Lander Hospital. Stamina was better. The blood pressure was high and the EKG was the same- Atrial fib with an occasional skip of the beat. My weight was down. Oxygen was pretty good at rest but a little low after exercise-not bad. I did the routine without supplementary oxygen so that was pretty good. I finally got the knack of the treadmill after I reduced the nurses to tears of laughter. They thought I was clowning- I wasn't.  Tripled at least my times on the pedal machines. I had energy to go on but Nurse Rita had seen all she needed to see.

The roads even today were a caution but it is all the way up to 35 degrees so there is some melt going on.  The dogs went AWOL as soon as we got home. I am waiting.