Friday, December 3, 2010

The Tension is Thick

Daryne called to tattle on the dogs this afternoon. They were across the road headed up Ann McIntosh's lane. This is not good. I jumped in the van and zapped them all the way home. Buddy was scooting. They knew they had been bad. It has been very subdued in here. Buddy came to apologize or makeup awhile ago. Honey is still nursing hurt feelings.

It got up into the 40's today and I couldn't blame them for enjoying it but they have acres and acres on this side to enjoy.

It was off to the hospital this morning for a blood draw. My records from Dr. Hedgecock were ready as promised and I fixed a gift basket of fruit for that office. They are all trying to keep trim and fit and the parrot enjoys fruit too. Then the medical calls began. Wendy from Casper wanted to double my Carvedilol and start my statins after reviewing things with Dr. Wicks.( my BP is too high)  Later Jessica from Dr. Hedgecock called after getting the draw results-take another Potassium pill immediately and double up on those from now on. I made another appointment with Dr. Hedgecock on Monday. Wendy thought I needed more Lasix but deferred judgment until after the blood tests.

I'm going to finish packing this weekend. I'll leave Tuesday. (or Wednesday) I'm trying to be responsible here.

Cuz Donna called with a report on Eleanore's funeral. There was a good turnout. She was 97, not  92. The cemetery is Denver's oldest and holds other Bosco's and Roberts. She enjoyed seeing relatives she knew and quite a few she didn't  know. Had news. We are being asked to host another reunion. We will think on it.