Saturday, December 18, 2010

Device Day Minus 5...

Tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. I'll go in for the ICD implantation. Dr. Bibbler has been here, Dr. Kutte has been here, the anaesthetist has been for a visit, too. The procedure should take an hour or two depending on how long it takes to find my veins for the wires and how much fun they decide to have shocking the daylights out of me.

I have had other attention too. Jason and I took a walk to the Heliport pad, and saw some other sights in the hospital.I developed a chest pain and Dr. Kutte was on the floor when I got back. I was given a nitroglycerin tablet which helped. So I was glad to have this kind of experience in the safe environment-if I am going to have this kind of experience at all. I have to admit, I am profoundly grateful it happened  with Jason there. He is very helpful,has experience with Lori's similar issues and I need him here right now. So I got an EKG, and am now receiving an infusion to make my shocking work better as a converter to restore my heartbeat.