Monday, December 13, 2010

Busy but not Productive

They are keeping me busy with pokings, proddings, pills, and processes. I love the lung therapy- a bubbling face mask opens things up and refreshes. I am about to get cut off water and everything in aid of the defibrillation device being implanted tomorrow afternoon. I may be delayed until Wednesday morning if my numbers aren't right in the morning.

Bob and Doris left this afternoon. It was so nice of them to come for support and help. Bob may bring the van driver  over. A Craig's List job by a retired flight attendant: The guy drives cars for a fee and uses his lifetime pass to fly standby home. The doggies are going to have a spa day tomorrow. If they are going fly private, they are going to look the part. Jason is in charge and I am just enjoying watching him operate.

I have lost 30 pounds of fluids. My ankles look like they did long ago-in shape. They weren't purple then. The level of health care continues on a high level. Nichole, my  night nurse (from Singapore) is a dandy professional. I'll have more to tell..