Friday, December 17, 2010


Patty, my nurse for the day, hooked me up to the telemetry reading machine. My Vitals went to a central spot instead of my room monitor. Thus set free, I embarked on several excursions trailing my oxygen tank behind me. Dr. Bibbler was my first contact: He is on tap for a Sunday morning insertion of my device. With this cast in stone, other things started to progress. The Charter flight, the checkout procedure, the meds...Everybody on Team Stephen was smiley today except when they were not. I had an ebb: low BP, and perhaps sugar. But that was transient. Jason was busier than I was by far but even he was forced into relax mode this evening. 

I am getting excited about the flight. On-flight catering called. Unfortunately they called Jason and he ordered things I can eat. I regret having to fly under these circumstances but that will not stop the enjoyment of this once in a lifetime experience.

While trekking on ICU, hoping to see my nurses, my respiratory therapist shooed us off the floor. I didn't recognize a thing on that floor.

There was a "CODE" on my hall. It was just like the movies: crash carts and personnel, at a dead run. I do not know how it turned out.  About the time you climb on the pity pot, you hear a story that makes you feel small. After whining to Val, my Cardiologist RN-PAC,  about the shifting  operation dates to insert my device, she wished me luck because she is setting off for the holdidays to see her terminally ill daughter. Kind of puts a perspective on things.

Dr "A" talked to me about my medications  and how much to cheat on my Lasix to ensure less fluid gain. He is my Hospitalist on the floor. He has worked hard to get my meds effective and reduced in number. I am getting decent numbers all around. 

I am really missing my  dogs. I know they are getting A-1 care but I need to pet them and play with them. The lady at the Best Western has given the dogs, Jason and the dog's handler, a ridiculously rate-low. I really am looking forward to the flight to Ft. Lauderdale and sitting on the deck watching the boats go by and doggies play.

My Chevy van is sitting in Jason's and Lori's Florida driveway. The driver is on his way to Phoenix tonight via USAir and he will enjoy there for awhile before heading back to Omaha.