Monday, November 29, 2010

Ticking items off the list

It is headed for 3 below tonight. Getting things done for departure is taking precedence. I had Delores print off Dr. Cohn's forms. My printer was on the fritz. Nice little visit with her and others at my old office. Took said forms to my Primary doc. I got a prescription for an Oxygen Concentrator but the one I thought I wanted I didn't want after talking to the vendor. I went to Lincare- my oxygen vendor. The blue behemoth I have is their portable model and can go with me.  Maybe I will wait awhile. I have some appointments for blood draws and an appointment with Cardiologists in Casper on Friday. Between now and then I hope to have many other details taken care of: mail forwarding, automatic payments for electricity, insurance, etc.

The Droid replacement arrived-it was here on Friday but my regular UPS guy wasn't, so the substitute slapped a notice on my Van! Bill brought it today. Wonder of wonders, Google had all my apps remembered  and the thing is completely restored. That is kind of creepy but convenient.

Crummy news is rolling in. Great Aunt Eleanore Bosco passed peacefully at age 92. That is not so sad-that is the way of all flesh though it is sad to say goodbye. Our friend Rene in Quebec is backsliding on his brain tumor. We had been so hopeful that he would get another Florida season. Canadians have to get permission from their health care insurance to travel to the U.S. because our costs are so much higher. Anybody with pre-existing conditions can get slapped with a huge deductible-like $20,000. We are all feeling bad about this.

Jeanne said the gossip at the campground is that I had a pacemaker installed. Criminetly! Makes me want to hide or change campgrounds (like there is a choice!) Maybe I'll rent a walker and have some fun with them.