Saturday, May 15, 2010

All Right!

The weather has improved. With a jacket, I can enjoy my coffee on the deck. The snow geese are migrating northward as are the Canada honkers. They love this patch of ground as much as I do. Mourning doves are establishing territories-I think I will have two pairs this year. The cows are giving birth right and left and the calves are hysterical as they form little groups to run and play. The llamas gambol when they see the feed wagon and the cattle amble. Pheasants are mating. Honey is more settled in her maturity. She companionably leans against her outdoor dog bed and chews a bone or plays with her toys. She is ever watchful but does not feel compelled to micromanage.

Janet's mom extended a dinner invitation for this evening. It will be good to spend some time with good company.

The census taker came yesterday. The deadline is today and in rez fashion, they were in a lather. I was a "proxy" for the Delaunays whose gate is always locked. There were two other addresses that hold no occupants. She evidently was not working the other side of the street. I wonder about the accuracy of some of the data. I am pretty sure I gave the benefit of the doubt on Charlene's age.