Monday, May 10, 2010


Nicole and Andre sent these pictures of the drawing Therese worked on in Florida. They drove down to buy them lunch before Rene's treatment commences and went to the gallery where the picture is being exhibited. Therese's assignment was to do something on the theme "leaving the scene." She has never worked in black before, and the theme and feeling is almost prophetic of events. The only dash of color is the clown's discarded nose.
I think the bug that has hounded me is over. I soaked three pillows last night. A nap was in order on this rainy day. After a trip to town to provision up in the face of the "winter storm warning," I made the girl come in out of the rain and we slept. She is unfazed by the weather. Buster wanted to avoid getting wet-ever. Feglers moved the cows to the lower pasture because the upper one is getting muddy from the rain. Keeps them from having to get the tractor out to unstick the hay wagon too. So Honey can take a vacation.
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