Sunday, May 23, 2010

Plum Tickled

Though it is still cool, the plum blossoms are profuse, the bees are buzzing, (I am glad to see those critters), and there is a promise of Spring/Summer in the air. Saturday I ran up to Guy and Janet's doling out Irish Liquorice and notes. Had a good visit with Guy. They had gone to Torrington to buy some heiferettes on Friday and they were delivered on Saturday morning. Hollis has been branding in every part of the state. I have been running up and down the road with some regularity. That needs to be cut back to "necessary."

Matt and Jason video Skyped last night. Jason got Matt outfitted for that and it was a treat. They are having a good time. Skype is great fun. I met the cat and said hi to the dog, Dmitri. Eve had a list of "honey-do's" which they were happy to do. Jason provides a little buffer for Matt. Eve is supportive of him but the woman is very intense and the possible divorce has her in high gear. The Skype call was a welcome surprise. Now I will be able to visit with Audrey, too.

The list I had on Friday is still operational-intact. Monday?
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