Saturday, May 8, 2010


I have to admit I signed up for Facebook awhile ago and didn't really see the point. And I really don't get the games like Farmville and Mafia. Who gives a darn if you baked an imaginary cake? Now that I have my friends group populated with folks I know well, I am starting to see it is interesting. My niece moved into a new house in Denver yesterday, Rich posted some encouraging words to Matt, Jason went fishing today and caught the prize below. I see some other fish being filleted in the background.

As for me, I complained about the 26 degree morning on Facebook. It did get up to 50 degrees today and I appreciated that. I was able to be outside a little more. Tomorrow will be even better and then it goes in the dumper again. Sheesh! Honey found a coyote right up close to the house this morning and gave chase. Other than that she was kind of mopey-strange: I handfeed her some little morsel and she politely takes it and buries it. She started to bury a new toy I bought her today before I rescued it. We miss our little buddy. He used to rat her out when she started to wander too far. Now I have to watch like a hawk. That means going out in the cold.

Honey has never been as motivated by food as most dogs but she does like adventures. When I went to town we took a walk in City Park. WalMart for dog food and a visit to Harry and Irene Fegler's garage sale were the ostensible reasons for the trip. Irene had her 80th birthday while I was in Florida so I took her a box of chocolates.

I called Matt for an attitude check. He is suffering but philosphical. He gets Audrey back tomorrow night. He and Cheryl have separate travel plans late May and early June so I will coordinate with that AND when he has Audrey for my visit.

I sent the Branding Pix link to Rene and Therese and got back a query from Quebec: "What is branding?" Rene has still not started his radiation treatments-the doctors SAID they wanted him to build strength. They took a quick trip to Ottawa for the Tulip Festival and enjoyed it. He is in good enough physical condition that they are going to give him 16 consecutive days of radiation. I am glad they are having this time together because I am sure he is going to go downhill. I hope for an improvement after that.

The old body was protesting yesterday-achy and feverish. I upped my antibiotics and took Aleve and felt better today. Probably stress related. I know my attitude is ebbing these days. "This too shall pass," was the Mason bromide. I can hear my mother and grandmother now. And they were right.
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