Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rich visits

Rich called from Dubois and we agreed to meet at the Wind River Casino for lunch. Then he decided to take the scenic route through Ethete so I sat in the van cooling off the dog for quite awhile. I had to laugh-his adventuring is something I would do. I went into the casino to "swipe my card" and got $5.00 and half off the second meal for lunch. So I was primed. Rich looks great. That my much younger brother will turn 60 in a couple of months was a reality check. We had a great visit. Age and having children have mellowed us out. What our parents would have been upset about, elicits a "meh." Que sera, sera. Hilarity ensues. What we thought would happen and what happened in our lives bear no resemblance to one another. We had a great lunch for not much money with my "winnings."

I took him a bag of licorice. Janet's mom likes it and I found a place on the internet. I bought a big bag which I will parcel out. He called from Shoshone. He'd had to stop and put the licorice in the back of his car. It was not going to last until Casper otherwise. He makes me laugh.

I still have my list. Manana.