Wednesday, May 12, 2010

When the going gets tough, we go to town.

Snow, cold, and the power went out. There were several "bumps" before it gave up the ghost. Taking a page from tent campers, I loaded up the dog and headed for warmer places. The snow was dense and it was a chore clearing off the van. The roads looked good. The blue tractor and the hay wagon pulled in as I was about to leave so I visited with the Fegler men before I hit the road. With book in hand, I went to the Trailhead for a Denver Omelet. They must have changed cooks because everything was golden. I dawdled over a couple of cups of coffee. I was reluctant to leave the warmth. WalMart got a visit but no money. I called the power company and they couldn't tell me if the power was back on at my house but steam was rising from the highways so I knew some warmth was hitting the cabin and decided to chance it. The power was back on.

I tried to play with the dog but it is just too cold for me. Ended up reading and dozing, cooking dinner and here we are.
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