Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Monday

The day brought more cattle punching. It took two kids on ATV's 45 minutes to catch the horses. Then it went downhill from there. Part of the process was to separate pairs though-that made keeping them cattle calm a priority. There are seven pregnant or dry cows left in the upper pasture.
The llamas were undisturbed as were we. I had read a recipe about how to make pulled pork. Yesterday I slow-cooked a pork roast and "pulled it" last night. It turned out just like downtown. Baked beans, coleslaw, and potato salad, completed the Memorial Day feast. Last night I watched the PBS broadcast of the celebration in Washington. They don't change much from year to year. And of course there are some "just wars" and the batty wars. Pretty much everything from Vietnam to now has been pretty dubious. But, the honor of having served dutifully is not diminished by the reasons for war. I ran through the list of our family members: Revolutionary War, both sides of the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korean, and peacetime service, both killed and survived. And it is also a day of remembrance for all the ancestors. A good lot, they were/are.

Skyped with Therese briefly. She called me-she was trying to ditch Jeanne. Rene is improving! He is able to form sentences now and has good appetite. She looked thin but jubilant. The course of things is not at all clear but she will take what she can get. Marc's biopsy of his prostate turned out negative. So good health reports all around.

Got a Skype call from Audrey and Matt. Bless Skype! So good to see the little girl. She was just home from a California trip and glad to see her dad and kitty and dog. The pretty pink cast comes off in two weeks.

I've been tweaking the wifi/aircard system and have gotten up to 600 Mbps which is pretty darned good. It makes Skype workable and I can even see some streaming video if the wind is just right. Google has an equivalent service that is integrated with Google Mail. I am going to try that out too.
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