Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Peaceable Kingdom

Thanks mostly to Thayne who has an affinity for wildlife, the patch allows coexistence. He can see no harm in the coyotes and in fact sees benefits. They hunt the rodents but the cows and calves are quite used to them. This year Honey is somewhat more tolerant of them. She barks and marks out her territory but if they confine themselves to the lower pasture they get off with a warning. That may have to do with not having backup in the form of Buster, too. I dreamt of Buster-we were in Florida and getting ready to go but I couldn't find him. I rode my bike all over looking for him-then I awoke and went uhhn.
I haven't felt well for a couple of days. Swelly legs, constant hunger, tired, heart pounding, allergy attacks, almost urinary incontinence, but a dose of minerals and stricter attention to my meds seems to have helped. I think the altitude may have something to do with it and the cold. But that is much better today and I cannot complain about the weather the past couple of days. Yesterday was gorgeous and warm.

A long Skype video call with Nicole and Andre. They are back in the Rialta, down in New York, getting the boat ready to put in the water for the summer. Rene seemed to be skating on his radiation therapy but this last weekend he became weak and was unable to go to the bathroom. Not good. Therese had meetings with the doctors Monday. She is getting help and support from Rene's brother and her children in the daily routines. Jeanne is hyper about things. In fact, my Florida chums have spilled over into my Wyoming time more than I am comfortable with-Tony makes long calls, Jeanne does Skype messaging a LOT.

Bonnie's book gift, A Good, Good Pig, was a delight and a boon to my soul at this time. Of course I have had pigs and appreciate them but the book is more about how animals enrich our lives, and teach us-and leave us.

Jason will arrive in Medford to see his brother and mother today. I am glad. Matt has had Audrey for ten days, ending today. He sounds like he is on an even keel but Jason will be a boost.

I tried to see Delores and Don on Saturday but when I called they were waiting for roto-rooter. Not a good time for a visit, Don said. I had a phone conversation with Delores. She goes to W. Virginia on the 15th of June. Her divorced son has a new girlfriend in Minneapolis, and son Greg and Kinsy tied the knot in Las Vegas where they went for motocross races. They have been together for awhile and they seem a good match. Our mutual friends, Denis and Ida had to put their kitty to sleep. They drove to Fort Collins for a cremation and came back with ashes to place by the ashes of their dog. These darn animals do get into your heart. Bless them.
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