Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dinner with the deer/dears

Janet's folks, Susie and Max invited several for dinner at their nice home in Sinks Canyon. Janet and Susie fixed some great Mexican grub, we had some sweet South Dakota wine. They invited a Mr McCaskie (sp?) who is even more senior than the rest of us. I like older people. I like young people too but they are in the process of writing their stories. Elders are closer to the end and their stories are more complete and very interesting. McCaskie had spent the day (thoughtfully) writing the who/when/ where on his old photographs. He was born not 12 miles from where I live but had ranged to Venezuela, Honduras, and Iraq in the oil bidness. Fascinating. The old boy is also really "with it." Susie and Max as well as Janet and Guy have deep roots here and have great memories and stories of lots of characters. You almost have to be from Wyoming to appreciate "characters and tales." Not much judgement in the tales but great interest in the ways people adapt to their circumstances. Guy seemed to have forgiven many of the mean things old Floyd did and they attended his funeral which I thought was great-hearted of them.
Janet got ahold of a memoir that explained "Johnny Behind the Rock." For a long time she knew the place and thought Johnny was a person. The book explained that the establishment along the highway had to build their biffy away from the well so put it behind a rock. Customers would inquire about a restroom and would be told "John is behind the rock."

The deer pictures were taken through Susie and Max's picture window. Max built their home and another one up the road.

Friend Bonnie sent me a book which I started and love. It is called the "Good Good Pig." It is a memoir. Bon was kind to include a note that said it was not a "message book." Characteristic humor. I am sensing already somebody is going to die and am dreading it but I identify with the narrator/author who possesses an unusual empathy/connection to animals.
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