Sunday, May 30, 2010

Weekend Update!

Friday before a long weekend felt like it had to be used constructively and I was off to town for business, mail, and hardware store trips. It was a pretty productive day. The pressure gauge on the pump in the well house had frozen and spouted a modest but maddening stream when the well was on. So I had been manually turning it on and off. Thursday and Friday were warm, nay HOT, days, 85+, so getting sprayed was not a negative consideration. It went better than expected and hand-tightening the gauge was good enough so I will just slip it off when I vacate next. Continuous water at the taps now.

I was about to address a letter to Mother Nature being more specific about my weather desires. It went from too damn cold to too damn hot overnight. By Friday afternoon, I taking storm windows off and installing window fans. Then I checked the forecast. We are back to chill nights and cool days which are delightful in the afternoon. Good thing too because the hot days runoff filled the Little Wind River right up and we would have floods if it hadn't cooled off.

The bout with the flu etc., impressed on me that we seniors with "conditions" are somewhat more vulnerable. If you can't take your meds you tend to get screwed up in a hurry. Only this Sunday I feel like the headache might be leaving for good and my feet won't be squishy forever and my blood sugar and pressure will even out. I threatened myself with a visit to the doc if Tuesday rolls around and I am still feeling lousy.

Honey was getting short shrift on the attention and playtime so she was a doggy. She ventured on the highway for a road-killed pheasant then gave me the cold-shoulder all day after I took it away from her. Dog barf with feathers is disgusting. She chased something in the pasture- I am not sure what. We had a thief in the night: a raccoon got in the porch fridge and cleaned it out. The girl was seriously upset. She hunted it and has been on overdrive ever since-to the point of making it hard for me to sleep at night. I made a velcro lock for the fridge- just like the one in Florida. Unlike the RV park, if I catch the little bandit it will be toast. It knows where the cache is now.

The neighbors decided to work their cattle yesterday. I saw the horses unloading, and the trucks arriving, and the portable corrals set up and decided that the temptation was just too cruel for Honey so we would go elsewhere. Kristi was having a little rodeo in the pasture and the liability of my dog entering the fray did not appeal. They had about 50 cow-calf pairs they were tagging and banding.
I thought three hours would about do it. Memorial Day weekend at Wal-Mart was highly entertaining. I dawdled home along the bottom road taking pictures and was surprised to see they had barely made a dent. I had to keep an eye on the pup so I sat on the deck and observed. For some reason, they corralled the herd in one corner of the pasture. The corrals were a quarter of a mile away. Two, sometimes three, riders would separate a pair and try to walk them to the corral where the sheer concentration of vehicles and people made the cows highly suspicious. They would make a break for it. Then the chase was on and Camey would come racing out on a four wheeler and spook them good. Kristi had to take the littlest kids for a potty break or something. Her horse decided to work anyway and, riderless, joined the others. I watched until it got too dark, cold, and windy but I enjoyed the afternoon. The girl was good as gold-watched it all but never left my side.
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