Tuesday, May 11, 2010

They say this is great for the land

Hopefully, the land is enjoying it. I am not. Cooped up with an antsy dog, a television that can't get a signal in a snowstorm, and an internet signal that is fading, is making me whine. I am not going to venture out. Feglers fed with the big tractor today. When that comes out, I stay in. Fortunately we are well-provisioned. What with the tornadoes on the plains (once again-I went through the very places 10 days ago that got blasted- I could not discern activity that Pat Robertson would say deserved God's wrath.) And with the big earthquakes around the world, it feels like mother earth is uneasy.

We are being snowballed as the snow accumulates and falls from the trees onto the roof. A snowplow just went by on the highway.

Warts are supposed to go away of their own accord. I have had one on my thumb for a long time. In fact it was starting to look like my thumb had a thumb. Some months ago I bought a kit to freeze it. Did no good at all. A websearch revealed interesting information. All warts are are a result of the human papilloma virus-the same one that results in cervical cancer, and other awful things. There are thirty strains of it. Mine was painful finally. A home remedy I chose was a cottonball soaked in vinegar, taped to the appendage. Now it is bigger and uglier but paler. Maybe this will work. It did not say how long you had to continue this treatment. It smarted a lot when I began but is tolerable now. Perhaps the thumb will drop off along with vile growth.

I think I have a book I have not read. Prelude to a spontaneous nap? Perhaps I should lay down in case that happens.
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