Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gonna Live

The flu part is in the rear view mirror, the headache lingers but is leaving. Slow days but with good wishes from many quarters and my Everett medical advisor, I am improving. Sooz wrote about rehydrating suggesting vita water, etc. That jogged my memory about some Electrolyte packets I got in Florida. I am not sure what it is about them-I think excipients from the Great Salt Lake, but they have quick effect on my swelly calves and general well-being. Delores, working in the school, always has the pulse of what is going around and said lots of sinus infections and 24 hour flu. I think I just got lucky and got both at once.

I did get my wifi system set up to work with the aircard. The Internet connection has been slow. This seems a little better. I can get a little elevation on the aircard and better line-of-sight on the radio.

I called Thayne because one of his cows was just having fits-charging the gate and frantically running around. He came down and said the poor cow had lost her calf-it died. Harlan hauled it off yesterday. Thayne, bless his gentle soul, comes down twice a day to supervise the feeding of a blind, runtish, calf-a short-changed twin. Another cow lost her calf but will let this one suckle if she is in a stanchion. He is hoping for an adoption eventually. I really enjoy watching the cows. The little community is interesting. The cows are mostly nonchalant about their babies and the calves group and play, butting heads, running like the wind, kicking up their heels and just having that youthful joy in being alive. The weather has turned decent and I can sit outside for my vitamin D treatments.