Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Reality Sets In

Florida always seems like a vacation. Home is reality. Lots to do. I may run out to Oregon but first Buster needs Vet attention which will happen today. He is bloated but otherwise seems active and eats well, has an interest in life. Honey is busy being sheriff and tending to her cows. Cheryl has left the family home for a "trial separation" in Oregon. My granddaughter Audrey fell off some park equipment and broke her arm in two places. She has pins and rods and a pink cast. Poor little muffin. My Dodge van started and ran like a champ which was nice because my beloved turnpike cruiser Ford van got me home and its battery died and wouldn't even take a charge. I do heavily use my car batteries with lots of plug ins. I buy NAPA 75 month batteries. I already got a free one and the second one lasted long enough to only get me a substantial pro-rated discount for the one I installed yesterday. Need to get an oil change. I got one in Florida at Pep-Boys when I got the tires balanced but 2500 miles is 2500 miles.

I have visited with several neighbors and gotten caught up on life here in the valley. Everybody has their trials and seem to cope. Tain't easy for anybody. On the day I got home,they buried a neighbor-Floyd. He had been struggling with his health but had lived many years most of them being a royal pain in the ass to nearly everybody. But his life and times were not easy either. An interesting story too long for a blog.

The locale change has had some effects. Allergy and headaches and the altitude change is noticeable this year but I think I am acclimating. I have been able to layer up and sit on my deck and watch the cattle with their new babies. The weather has everybody behind. Seeds aren't going to sprout when it is in the 30's nearly every night. I am wearing a jacket from rising to retiring.

It appears I was lucky in my timing and routing coming home. The floods, tornadoes and heavy rains in the southeast have all been in country I go through normally and even on this trip. A two day delay would have put me smack dab in the middle of it all.