Saturday, June 12, 2010

Birds I.D.'d

House Finch, White Crested Sparrow, and Titmouse, according to expert Ida. I got the first two but never would have guessed a Titmouse. The House Finch is actually out of its normal range here according to the map. But they are great survivors and somebody introduced them to the eastern U.S and they took off. They are officially Carpodacus Mexicanus. I looked for a little "green card" in the picture but I can't see one. Now I have to decide if I am going to let it continue to work for food or call La Migra. I certainly can't blame it for wanting to improve its lot and this is a great place to be. It eats like a bird... O.K. it stays. Ssshh. I think maybe it was born here anyway. That is my story and I am sticking to it.

Now I have to research the "Titmouse" and how it got its name. Could be a lot more interesting than "house finch."

Cold and rainy today. The cattle are numbly standing under the overhang of my trees.  Cozy inside, French toast for breakfast, a rare treat-the dawg tried some and liked it, and plenty to do. The trek yesterday to Fort Washakie, Ethete, Kinnear, Riverton, Hudson, Lander, and home was productive and l-o-n-g. I should be good for a week. I saw some sights-construction by Fort Washakie, Diana Kouris at Wal Mart-so good to see that nice person. All these little burgs seem to be perky-something is going on.

Downloaded some more vintage Mysteries. The free Kindle for PC application reflects Amazon's decision to sell "content" regardless of hardware. I read on my laptop as much as my Kindle.  Soon there will be a Kindle for Android application so my books will also be on my Droid phone.