Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

A very pleasant day it was. Fine weather, good book, played with my fuzz face daughter. Then the communication started and it was fun. Rich and Val  got a dog from the Humane Society and are thrilled with an 8 year old (but younger acting) yellow Lab. It has nice manners and that loving mellow Lab temperament. Nicole and Andre called from Burlington, VT. They sailed there to buy some fish for dinner and were enjoying their cocktails. Andre doesn't fish. He told me I should relax- the reward on my head has been reduced to $2.00.  Matt called from Medford on Skype and I got a glimpse of Audrey. Therese and Rene Skyped also from Montreal and they looked fine. Rene is speaking well-French and English. He will be done with radiation Tuesday. Jeanne called also from Georgia. When you conference call with Skype you can't all have video so we group chatted. Jason called and I caught a glimpse of Lori. It is very hot there in Florida.
Sunset on the deck.