Friday, June 18, 2010


Enjoyed a rest on the deck at dusk. It was a busy day. Rich called and invited me to an Elk's Club Father's Day brat-roast in Casper tonight but I declined. I had business in town and a hundred mile trip planned already. An ultralight airplane flew over the pasture this morning and I was wishing I had one. I did the great circle route again. Lander, Hudson, 789 Bingo, Jiffy Lube, Ace Hardware, Wells-Fargo Bank, Wal-Mart, Burger King, the Post Office Annex, Kinnear, Ethete, Home. Pretty spendy day but all could be justified. The Post Office has not altered their hours for those of us who have to drive for our mail. Two p.m., the dutch window closes and I lost out. I haven't had mail since the bridge went out. The rest of it I feel good about. We were swarmed by mosquitoes at the door of the house. The wet weather has been ideal for them. The state health department is warning about West Nile Virus so I took one of my purchases which was a big bottle of solution for the Black Flag Fogger and fogged the little buggers. I decimated them. The 10% left were still bothersome but I was able to watch the Sun go down in relative peace.
The feeders are getting great use. In fact, because it will likely be another week before I hit town, I bought a 40 pound sack of birdseed to augment the 2/3rds-gone 20#'s I started with. A bunny came to sup with the birds tonight. Honey apparently didn't notice it.
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