Thursday, June 3, 2010

Gettin' Squirrelly

Last year I noted the presence of a squirrel on the property and wondered how it found its way here-so much prairie surrounds this oasis and we are miles from town where they abound. Yesterday, taking my coffee on the deck, I observed that they had become a pair of handsome red squirrels, then I saw another and then two more. A family. The big ones were kicking the kids out I think. They have an acre of canopy and never need set foot on the ground unless they want to. They are pretty amusing to watch. I have wondered where the nesting birds are and now I know. I will assess the ecological impact of this development and in the meantime enjoy the antics.

The tweaking of the aircard has resulted in some great speed-up to 1200 kbps but as I checked my usage I was astounded to find that I had exceeded the mystical 5 gigabytes by 3 gigabytes. I am grandfathered as "unlimited" but Verizon tends to get sticky about going beyond 5 gigs. Google Chrome is indeed a faster browser than Internet Explorer. Better weather and feeling well may well limit the browsing time naturally.

I washed two vehicles yesterday, and otherwise puttered around. Thayne brought me some wild asparagus. I appreciate his doing so but also think my now defunct asparagus patch contributed to the abundance. The birds scattered fertilized asparagus seed for years. These few warm days have caused an explosion of greenery. Cool nights and warm days-yay-that is what I like.

Daryne filled me on the rest of the Tye Eric saga. Although he was within sight of the house, an Indian lady picked him up and later called the Wind River police who met her at Ethete. The police returned him. Daryne wonders about an abduction. Some behavior does seem incongruent with what a person might do. He was with the ATV but Harlan had instructed him to never go down the ditch bank so he couldn't turn it around.

Honey is working too hard and is lean. Her dish always has food in it and I cook for us but she works all day and much of the night. I bring her in and let her sleep on the back porch with the screen door closed because otherwise she is barking in my ear and on and off the bed to alert me to imminent "danger." She likes to go out at first light but that is too early for me. She comes to get me about 6:30 and I can live with that though it results in post-lunch naps.